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Would let my OD subscription expire!

Feb 10, 2012 5:48 AM by Discussion: Stardock Support General

I just got an email that my Object Desktop subscription had expired. When I check my Stardock Store Account it shows my renewal for another year, expiring 12/27/2012. What's going on? Is this just transitional stuff to the new Stardock Central or a REAL error! There's not a chance that I would let my OD subscription OR my WinCustomize subscription expire! I'd pay to have BOTH of those before I'd pay my taxes!! LMAO  Anyone got any clues?



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Missing in my Impulse account

Apr 7, 2010 4:22 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

Just curious. I was thinking about starting to make a few cursors again and I noticed that cursorfx isn't available through my impulse account. I have Object desktop Utlimate or Premium or whatever it is. Anyone know? Thanks, Rad

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Missing in my Impulse account

Apr 7, 2010 4:22 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

Just curious. I was thinking about starting to make a few cursors again and I noticed that cursorfx isn't available through my impulse account. I have Object desktop Utlimate or Premium or whatever it is. Anyone know? Thanks, Rad

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Not Valid in latest Impulse Update

Nov 6, 2009 4:34 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

Was just checking on the latest WB update via Impulse. Mine come's back and says that my "Registration for this product is not valid". Anyone else had this problem?

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Not Valid in latest Impulse Update

Nov 6, 2009 4:34 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

Was just checking on the latest WB update via Impulse. Mine come's back and says that my "Registration for this product is not valid". Anyone else had this problem?

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Can't get it to apply

May 27, 2009 6:17 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

I've been trying to get the Diamond skin from stardock to apply and it will not. However, if I try to delete it and start over it says that I can't delete a skin that's in use, please apply another skin then delete. I have re-applied the current skin and then it will delete. Re-downloading doesn't seem to fix it. ANY IDEAS?.....ANYONE? Thanks, Rad

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Fett Theme

Feb 4, 2009 9:22 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Isn't this a RIP? http://elvalantanalasa.deviantart.com/art/Fett-111796417 Looks just like MikeB314's theme...uhmmm....Fett!


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Impulse shows an update?

Sep 26, 2008 4:50 AM by Discussion: Stardock Support General

When I load impulse it shows an update to the Diamond skin. When I choose "Update" it says :

Your have not yet entered registration information for this product. Registering the product is required to download updates.

Would you like to edit your registrations now?
Yes No  

I'm not sure how to do that since initially it was a free skin with "MyColors". Any Ideas? RAD

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Uhmmmm Sorting the Icons! LOL

Aug 29, 2008 4:40 AM by Discussion: Fences Beta
First of all, TOP NOTCH!  This is an awesome addition to the Stardock line-up. This is just creative as hell!! Thanks! Now for my suggestion:  I think a great option would be to be able to sort the icons on a per window basis. Like we can on the desktop, anyone else?
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Sleeping and Showering with Boys

Aug 12, 2008 6:40 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk
My girlfriend and I are at odds on when should a parent start exihbiting healthy boundries to their children. She has 2 boys (10 and 13) and still showers with them and allows them to sleep with her. She's even described her oldest son's genitals as starting to look "Manly". The other day they were laughing in the background, I asked her what was so funny and she said they were laughing about rubbing soap on her ass in the shower. There's the situation. I'm concerned that if we try to take this any further I'm gonna be the "Bad Guy" that came along and took their space in the bed, shower, etc... Not to mention the kind of emotional damage it may induce. I know that the LAST thing I ever want to remember is what my mom looked like naked. I need some feedback....please. Thanks Edit: The reason I'm asking is because she thinks I'm whacked for being critical of the situation and It's about to cause a breakup. If I'm being wierd about this then I can swallow it and go on. BUT, I'm just convinced that there are going to be some major issues if she continues to ignore the suggestions. Issues that would be tough to deal with, jealousy, rebellion, all sorts of acting out, etc...
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